Baggy slept rather late again. Not surprising after the stresses of yesterday. But today she's feeling very positive, despite the stress-related headache. Calum went off to work at 6.30am for the first time since Baggy's operation, so Freda can be reassured that a little bit of money will be coming back in to the household. So Baggy is home alone! She's just phoned Calum and he seems happy to be back in his lorry. Clever Bird is sure he'll be very relieved to be at least a little bit "back to normal" for a few hours anyway. But three weeks off has made him realise just how many dangerous/idiotic drivers there are on our roads and Freda Fretter has to try not to revert to worrying about his safety! At least Calum will be home tonight, not staying away in his lorry as he usually would, so he'll be checking up on Baggy later.
But Baggy is feeling good. In fact if her wound wasn't still so sore and tender, even she would now think that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her and she was 100% fit. Of course that isn't the case. It's not even three weeks since the operation yet, so Baggy is still not permitted to drive. Clever Bird recognises the wisdom of this, as driving would be too dangerous at the moment. Baggy is still too sore to confidently twist around to look over her shoulder and even with a pillow over her stomach the seatbelt still hurts her. But after all the comments from people before her op. about how weak and awful she would feel after a full hysterectomy (let alone the Lawrence removal) Baggy is delighted with how she feels. It's really not that bad.
In fact there is a rumour circulating that The Domestic Goddess might make a little appearance today. Undoubtedly it will be brief, but I'm sure she can push a vacuum cleaner as well as swinging a duster about a bit. She's already swung by briefly and got the fire going as it's another chilly day. Just need to get Creative Clara away from her blog and Baggy into the shower and dressed first.
Little things.........
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