Sunday, 22 November 2015

Day 12 (20/11/15) - Baggy Body and Lawrence the Durmoid are 56 Today.

Calum had to take Baggy's car to the garage at 7.30am this morning (as obviously Baggy is not allowed to drive, even if she could have got up early enough). Baggy fell straight back to sleep as soon as Cal left the bedroom and didn't wake up again until 11.00am. Clearly she over did it a little yesterday. But it's her Birthday; 56 today. Happy Birthday Lawrence, hope you're doing okay. Baggy's doing great without you.

Baggy was able to have her first shower in four days today as she is finally wound-dressing and ECG free. She also washed her hair for the first time since before the operation. Little things.  By the time she was dressed in one of her lovely new dresses, Calum had arrived home. (Car not fixed! Hmmm). He had a carrier bag with the thick hold-up stockings in that Baggy had asked him to get for her. When she got them out to put them on, she noticed a little Pandora box snuggled in between the woolly stockings. A Murano glass bead for her Anniversary present bracelet. Spoilt Baggy. Then she opened cards and a gorgeous present from her sister and nieces. Calum made her a delightful Slimming World lunch (dressed crab and salad). Then a beautiful bouquet of cream flowers arrived from a friend.

Creative Clara dived on to Blogger to publish her blog for the day and then checked Face Book. There were already over forty messages wishing Baggy Happy Birthday. She was very, very touched. Emotions are clearly a little all over the place still though, as she burst in to tears when she realised how many people care about her well-being. Note to Clever Bird: sharing stuff is good.
Calum lit the fire and Furry Mama and Hinge and Bracket snuggled up in front of it. Minty Mutt retired behind the sofa as it was a little too warm for him. Calum had a bit of a snooze; clearly all this looking after Baggy is catching up with him. So Clara went back to her blog. Then yet more flowers arrived. this time a stunning bouquet of autumn colours from the other liveries at Grotty's yard. More tears.

Then a Get Well card arrived, also from the yard signed by all the liveries and Wesley and Joey saying that "they missed their Mum". More tears.

But amazingly, all this positive energy meant that Baggy was feeling so good that she has taken absolutely no painkillers today. She's only been on paracetomol and ibuprofen since she left hospital, but she's really needed them. However Clever Bird has realised that it's very easy to overdo it when your stomach just feels a little bit sore. Baggy keeps lifting things that she shouldn't be, because it doesn't really hurt. So today as Baggy is just a little uncomfortable rather than in pain, she's taken nothing and now is much more aware of how even lifting the kettle, or moving one of the cats, puts quite a strain on her stomach muscles. But it is amazing how well she feels. Even the hot flushes aren't too bad. In fact if Baggy didn't have this other operation looming and possible treatment needed for her heart, she'd be in grave danger of letting Grotty Groom go back to looking after Wessles and Joey, way too soon, because she feels so great.

The only weird thing is Baggy's wound. When she showered it felt so peculiar that she couldn't stand to touch it. It still feels as though the staples are still in it when she touches it, although clearly they aren't. But it feels very rough. The weirdest thing though is the huge indent in Baggy's stomach, half way down the wound. Clever Bird thinks that it must still be swollen, but Freda Fretter can't help wondering if it will now permanently be a weird shape where Lawrence has left a big space. At some point, when Clara can get Baggy back to Tribal Dance class, maybe she'll be able to build the muscle back up and get her shape back. But frankly, if that's Baggy's only worry, then that's great.

Baggy finished her birthday by having a couple of glasses of wine with her meal; only the third or fourth time she's had a drink in six months. It went straight to her head. Sozzled Baggy, but it's lovely to feel so well so soon after the surgery..........

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