Tuesday 1 December 2015

Day 23 (already Wow!) - Thinking about Thursday's surgery.

A slightly better night's sleep. Baggy was so busy trying to sleep in such a way that Furry Mama didn't squash Bracket though, that she forgot to keep her arm straight. As a result, Baggy's right hand was completely dead when she woke up three hours later, having once again not moved a muscle in her sleep. It was so bad in fact that Baggy had to physically uncurl her fingers using her left hand and then rub it until it had some feeling in it and the fingers would move again. It just reiterated to Clever Bird why it's so important that Baggy has the cubital tunnel surgery on Thursday. The muscle in that hand has now clearly atrophied and the little finger regularly feels as though it is "dislocated" as the muscle is no longer strong enough to keep it in place. When writing her blog in her little notebook first, Creative Clara regularly has to straighten Baggy's arm out and stretch it, while she's writing. It's the same if she's typing on the laptop or even when driving the car (not that she's allowed to at the moment). So, as this would get progressively worse in Baggy's case (it doesn't always apparently, it can be temporary during pregnancy for instance), the ultimate result could be that Baggy could lose the use of her hand!

The left hand was probably not quite as bad as the right one now is, when Baggy had the surgery a year ago, but it has recovered pretty much back to normal, so Clever Bird is optimistic that the right one will too.

Obviously this surgery is nowhere near as serious as that that Baggy had four weeks ago to remove Lawrence-the-durmoid-cyst. But it's still surgery, under general anaesthetic, so like any surgery it can go wrong. Yes, Freda Fretter thanks for that, but we know how well it went a year ago. Baggy is a bit of a whooz really. And that was without Hormonal Hannah as a leading gang member to wind things up a bit. Sorry Mr Consultant, we'll try not to cue the waterworks.

Right Furry Mama and The Domestic Goddess, distract the others........

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