Monday 21 December 2015

Day 42 - The Domestic Goddess has made a really big appearance!

Baggy is struggling with this whole concept of resting. Clever Bird is finally beginning to realise just how active Baggy actually is normally. So not doing a lot, is very hard and very boring. Okay Baggy no longer has paid employment, but she still works pretty hard. Grotty Groom and Furry Mama take up most of her time usually. She is a very lucky Baggy Body, to be able to say that, and she's very appreciative of how hard Calum works to enable her to do it. But the fact is it's hard physical work and now she's not doing it, it's quite difficult. It's particularly hard today, because Baggy is home alone. Calum is away at work properly and won't be home until Christmas Eve. So a small Christmas miracle has occurred! Not only has The Domestic Goddess been sighted, she's been working her little socks off ever since Furry Mama got back from walking the Minty Mutt.

She's re-vacuumed the house. It might only have been done two days ago, but Minty is rather large and extremely furry. So is Calum for that matter. Re-dusted the house. Washed the kitchen floors. Put her new little rugs down (Creative Clara is loving the mad effect of them).

Hinge and Bracket seem to rather like them too. Everywhere Baggy goes there are meeces! But The Goddess has been on a roll. Vacuuming around the meeces. Vacuuming around the dog. Not so much vacuuming around the cats, as they vanish as soon as the vacuum appears. She even vacuumed the dog himself at one point; figured she might as well get some fur out of him. Yes Baggy's house is a little nuts (well seriously, what did you expect?) but at least, thanks to The Goddess's efforts, it's beginning to look (almost) clean and tidy!
Well, perhaps tidy is an exaggeration. And yes, clean is probably not quite accurate either. But you should have seen it three days ago! Baggy just wants Calum to come home to a cosy house for Christmas, rather than the mess he usually has to put up with.  And the advantage of Baggy being stuck at home is that The Goddess can't escape far!
Mind you Baggy wasn't sure about The Goddess's lunch choices. Clever Bird realises that it's practically Christmas, but Baggy is supposed to be following Slimming World rules. Not sure that two giant pork and cranberry sausage rolls and crisps, washed down with cups of tea, is necessarily the way to go. So when she followed it up with two mince pies, lathered in brandy butter and washed down with more tea, The Goddess had to leap into action to burn off a calorie or two.
But she's quite pleased with the slightly nutty results (no comments please). Now The Goddess is going to make up for lunch, by making a dressed crab and prawn salad for supper (with more tea) to give Creative Clara the energy to wrap up Calum's Christmas presents. One-handed wrapping, that's going to be entertaining.............



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