Sunday 13 December 2015

Day 34 - Suffering.

Calum is on his way home to Suffolk. Minty Mutt and Baggy are missing him already. But Pickle is curled up with Furry Mama, so she can have cuddles. Calum has been sent home with instructions to cover every bit of our Tudor-brick floor in the sitting room with rugs so that Minty Mutt can't lie on it when he gets home. In the week that Minty and Furry Mama have been in Kent, not only do the callouses on Mint's elbows not look so sore, but the hair actually appears to be growing back on them. Although Mint has been choosing to lie on tiles and floorboards here too (because they are cooler) Clever Bird hadn't realised that of course, brick dust could seriously hurt him, until Debby pointed it out. Furry Mama has been very worried about Mint's elbows for a while, although the vet didn't seem to be, but if they'll improve by him not lying on the bricks, that would be great.

As for Baggy's arm, it's agony still. Freda Fretter is a bit worried that the wound could be infected, but there's no way she can check as she's not allowed to take the dressing off. Although the bruising is now more yellow than purple, the arm is still incredibly swollen. The elbow won't bend straight and Baggy's fingers cannot close properly. Clever Bird (and even now Calum) are convinced that Baggy's left arm was nowhere near this bad. Truthfully, if Baggy had realised it was going to be this painful, she might not have had the operation so soon after her Lawrence surgery.

As Clever Bird has said before, the only good thing is that because it's so painful, Baggy's stomach feels no pain at all. But Hormonal Hannah is now panicking that maybe that's not a good thing after all; that perhaps Baggy is damaging her stomach recovery because she can't feel any pain until she does something stupid, like walk too far. Oh dear. Breathe gang!
Calum will be back down to Kent on Thursday to take Baggy home. Her first cubital tunnel surgery follow-up appointment is first thing on Friday morning so at least she'll know then how things are progressing. In the meantime Debby is still looking after Baggy and Minty. But perhaps Baggy should cut back on the wine a little. Although it does help to cut out the pain.........


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