Wednesday 23 December 2015

Day 44 - Creative Clara has expanded her horizons!

Baggy overslept yet again. This is getting silly now. Even the cats are resigned to just sleeping with Furry Mama until Baggy stirs. But at least she slept well. Five whole hours without getting up. Unheard of. Only one hot flush all night from Hormonal Hannah and that was when Bracket kat decided to get in bed with Furry Mama and managed to stick one of her claws in Baggy's nipple. Yes. Quite! Baggy has to have a cup of tea to start the day. No coffee for her. She's English after all. But last night the kettle gave up the ghost. Over used from too much tea-making. So The Domestic Goddess is having to boil water in a little pan on the cooker. But this is The Goddess we're talking about. Last night she put the pan on to boil. Totally forgot about it. Well over an hour later Baggy wandered through the kitchen so that Furry Mama could let Minty Mutt in from the garden. No water left in the pan. Miraculously, there was still a pan! Clever Bird can only presume there must be a safety device on the halogen hob, because thankfully it had switched off. Phew! Hopeless Goddess. This morning Clever Bird would not let her walk away from the pan. The Goddess is blaming Hormonal Hannah for the near disaster. She has a point. Since Baggy's hysterectomy her memory makes a goldfish's look positively long term.

Tea (safely) made, Creative Clara was excited to have a look at her new venture; a series on She put up the first of her "Journal" posts yesterday and wanted to see whether it was on the site. It was. She was very excited. Until she realised that the "book cover" that she had spent about two hours trying to create yesterday, was mucking up the whole site! Nooooooo. Sooooooo embarrassing. She knew it wasn't great. She'd e-mailed the company for help. But she did think it was the correct size. It was sooooooo big, that it was bouncing other author's covers off the page. Fortunately, the "help" team had suggested a solution, using very "simple to use" software. Really, not so simple for Clever Bird, but two hours later Creative Clara had something vaguely resembling a correctly sized cover.

Admittedly there's room for improvement, but it's a start. No hiding behind a pseudonym or an anonymous photo. Nope. Baggy Body is out there for all to see. Wise? Who knows? But just typing that has caused Hormonal Hannah to give Clara a hot flush. So bloggees if you want to read even more about Baggy's Gang, we would be delighted to see you at Channillo.
Cover sorted, Baggy rustled Furry Mama up to take Minty Mutt out. He seriously is on a mission these days. Baggy was virtually trotting to keep up with him. It's doing Baggy as much good as Minty to walk more. Baggy's stomach is definitely getting stronger. As is her arm. This morning she actually managed to put a pony tail in. Yay! It's been left in for the last three days because Clever Bird knew that Baggy couldn't lift her arm high enough to do it, but this morning Baggy looked as though she'd been dragged through a holly bush sideways! There was an aerial of mad white hair shooting up from her head like some demented sea anemone, so it had to be sorted. It was. Little things.
As Baggy and Clara were both on a roll, Christmas present wrapping was also tackled. Successfully. Now Baggy just needs to track down The Goddess to clean up the very large mud paw prints that Creative Minty Mutt has decorated the kitchen floor with............

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