Friday 11 December 2015

Day 32 - Minty Mutt and Baggy are both feeling stir crazy.

Baggy is missing Debby, Abby and Pickle. She has already started talking to herself. Minty Mutt is also missing them. He is guarding his Furry Mama like it's going out of fashion. Every time someone walks past the house (all the time in this village - tourists) he does a full guard bark. He hasn't barked at all, other than at the Postman, until today. But he hasn't needed to. Clever Bird hadn't realised until she learnt more about wolf packs, that it's the lower ranking wolves who guard the alphas. Debby has been looking after Baggy. Pickle has been guarding Debby, so Minty Mutt knew Furry Mama was being guarded and he didn't need to bother. Now they're not here! He does the same at home, guards Furry Mama all week. Calum gets home and takes over guard duty so Minty doesn't need to be on duty himself. Of course this does confirm that Baggy is the alpha above Calum, but please no one tell him.

Minty has realised that he will be more popular with his Auntie Debby if he lies on a towel rather than directly on the (not so) cream (now he's been sick on it and put muddy footprints all over it) carpet in the sitting room. He's rather upset that he's not allowed on the sofa, but even Furry Mama has to agree with Debby here, that that is not terribly wise for the health of the sofas.

After the way the day has gone so far, Baggy decided to eat her soup in the kitchen, rather than risking left-handed soup splatting over the sofa. She just wishes that she was up to getting Furry Mama to take Minty out for a walk, but sadly Clever Bird recognises that this could go terribly pear-shaped without Deb there as back up. So for now we are home alone - house bound.........

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