Monday 28 December 2015

Day 49 - Furry Mama and The Domestic Goddess are taking advantage of Baggy.

Considering that Baggy has only been up for a couple of hours the gang are doing well! Clever Bird has realised that Calum was correct the other day when he said that Minty Mutt had benefited from being at Baggy's sister Debby's for nearly two weeks. A change does seem to be as good as a rest, as they say. Minty and Baggy got fitter and fitter while down in Kent and Furry Mama has kept it up since we've been back. So, this morning, in the spirit of "variety is the spice of life", Furry Mama took Mint on another long walk. One we've only done once before and it took well over an hour. Today, the two "puppies" did it in forty-five minutes, in spite of the fact that part of it is "wetlands" and Baggy was sinking about six inches in it. Minty was sinking even further. To get to the "wetlands" we had to climb over a weird stile. It's basically a plank of wood that's about two feet high. Easy for Baggy to step over. Not so easy for Minty Mutt. He immediately tried to jump it. Massive front paws on top. But it's only about an inch wide, so he couldn't get his back end up on top to enable him to jump off the other side. The second time he tried, Furry Mama grabbed him under his bottom and hoiked him over. Of course Clever Bird completely forgot about Baggy's bad arm, but actually considering that Minty Mutt weighs seven stone, she didn't hurt it too badly at all.

Actually, Minty Mutt might not weigh seven stone any longer. Debby suggested that Furry Mama reduced his food back a little. So now he's on a little less food and far fewer treats. As a result, he now has a waist again. He's a massive boy though so he probably still weighs almost seven stone. Seven stone that was once again covered in mud when we got back. Furry Mama washed him off. Dried him off. And gave him a groom before she brought him in. He still managed to drip muddy water everywhere through the house though, so no, Clever Bird, Furry Mama's drying skills weren't good enough.

Since then The Goddess has rustled up lunch. Creative Clara has written this. The Goddess has sorted a load of washing and is about to tackle yesterday's dried mud which is all over the rugs. It's all go. The real test will be later though, when Baggy attempts to brush out her dreadlocks...........

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