Friday 18 December 2015

Day 39 - Back at Ipswich hospital for more proddling!

Baggy slept fairly badly last night after a really good start. Furry Mama had Bracket kat snuggled up in bed with her, purring for the first half an hour, then they both must have fallen asleep. But when Hormonal Hannah woke Baggy up at 3.00am, Freda Fretter got involved in the debate about whether Baggy's arm was doing okay or not. She only seemed to be asleep for another few minutes and the alarm went off. Clever Bird made Calum get them to Ipswich hospital an hour early once again. Time for the ubiquitous Ipswich hospital cappuccino and croissant (Baggy's downfall). But actually, Clever Bird may have been right about the whole, "needing extra calories to heal Baggy's body" thing, because when Freda Fretter made Baggy step hesitantly onto the scales this morning, not only had she not put any weight on, she appeared to actually have lost a pound or two! Frankly this was a surprise. Now don't get me wrong, Baggy has been being fed beautifully healthily with nourishing home-cooked meals by her sister. However! These have been washed down by copious amounts of wine. Followed up with granola cookies and chocolate. Intermingled with meals out (Baggy's still dreaming of the Heavenly Lamb Passanda). Lots of cappuccinos and the odd (very large) bit of home-made lemon cake and Victoria sponge. So truthfully, Freda did prepare Baggy for the scales to say that she had put at least four or five pounds on. But no! So she enjoyed her croissant. But Creative Clara once again digresses, sorry.

So, back to the hospital. Cappuccino and croissant polished off, Baggy went and registered herself at the Orthopaedic Hand Therapy Clinic, still half an hour early for her 9.30am appointment. At exactly 9.25am a little message flashed up saying that Baggy's Consultant's Clinic was running thirty minutes late. Breathe Freda Fretter. Cue hot flush Hormonal Hannah. Yack nervously to Calum Clever bird. At 10.30am Hannah was just starting to go into internal meltdown, when she heard a little voice calling Baggy. Once Clever Bird had tracked down where the voice was coming from, she saw a very stressed Nurse, apologising for the long delay. No worries, Freda's in now. Breathe.

The Nurse explained there'd been a crisis. Clever bird said, "Not to worry, it really wasn't her fault. Grotty Groom had been that "crisis" on more than one occasion, so totally understood". The Nurse was appreciative that we weren't getting angry with her, as so many people did who'd waited a lot shorter time. What is the world coming to? Sad. The Nurse took Baggy's dressing off. Ouch. "It looks very swollen, does it hurt?". Proddle. Ouch. Prod. Ouch. Proddle. Flipping OUCH! "Yes. A lot". "Well it doesn't appear to be infected, although there's a lot of heat coming out of it". "That's good, (Freda Fretter) was worried". "No, it's healing well. Can you bend your arm?". "A bit." Actually, Baggy discovered that it was much easier to bend without the dressing on. The dressing that had so much blood set hard in it, that it was solid. The dressing that was therefore pressing hard on Baggy's wound. The Nurse decided to put a bandage "tube" over the wound to try and reduce the swelling a little. While she was off finding one big enough to go over the swelling, Clever Bird decided to check the wound out. She thought it looked a little weird, but not too bad. Then Calum explained that she was looking at the line of sticky-stuff, not the wound. Oh. She couldn't contort her neck enough to see the wound, so he took a picture. Sorry if you're squeamish. Creative Clara did say. But it sort of looks okay. The Consultant did an accurate job of following his own drawing! Scar with purple highlights. Pretty. Although Clever Bird is not entirely sure why there's a squiggly bit at the top of the wound. Baggy probably twitched in her sleep. Baggy has to wear the tube for a week and get on with stuff, but if the swelling doesn't start to sort itself out, she might need to get referred for physiotherapy. Clever Bird reckons it will be fine.


Quick food shop for the next two days, on the way home. Mainly healthy stuff. Calum attempted to put it away, (bearing in mind that you can't swing a gerbil in our house) there's no room for it. Then Furry Mama and Calum took Minty Mutt out for his first walk of the day. He still has his inner puppy on show, even without Pickle dog to encourage him, so we've just taken him for a second walk in the dark. Calum and Furry Mama were hi-vized to within an inch of their lives. Minty Mutt had his flashing light on his collar,so we could see where he was. All is well with the gang and the furries. Baggy is home.........

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